Content Is King: How Little Z Sleep Used Content to Achieve Big Growth

“I remember coming to Jesse saying “I just want 100 sales a month, that’s all!”[…] and we were doing that very quickly after that. I wouldn’t have thought three years ago that what we do is so anchored in Facebook ads and ad spend in general, but it’s been the lifeblood of our business.”

Becca Campbell, pediatric sleep consultant and founder of Little Z Sleep, joins us on the podcast to talk about how she shifted from a 1:1 business model to launching courses that have helped families all over the world. She also shares how she uses negative comments on her social media ads to her advantage.

If you want to hear about what Becca learned after wasting over $15,000 working with another ad agency (and the questions you should ask before hiring one), listen in. 

In this episode…

  • [4:46] Learn about Little Z Sleep and their mission 
  • [5:35] Jesse shares the channels he believes have been most effective for Becca & Little Z Sleep 
  • [7:25] What Becca thinks has been the most effective channel in building audience trust 
  • [11:37] Becca explains why she thinks people expressing disagreement to the methods she teaches actually helps her business 
  • [13:15] Learn why even negative engagement can be a good thing for your ads 
  • [17:14] Becca shares what led her to start running paid ads for her business 
  • [20:52] Becca explains why her working with Till has been better than working with other ad strategists 
  • [28:23] Becca shares some questions to ask before hiring an ad agency manager 
  • [30:11] How Becca uses her content to build the trust gap with her audience 
  • [32:30] Learn what the most successful lead magnets have in common 
  • [35:20] Jesse shares why supporting content is so important when it comes to running ads 
  • [40:15] The worst business advice Becca has ever received

About Becca Campbell…

Becca is a mom of two beautiful daughters who share a room together and sleep all night. Before she began her pediatric sleep consulting journey that has helped thousands of families resolve exhausting sleep habits, she was a fifth grade science teacher! Now, through effective planning and encouragement, she teaches parents how to make sleep a thing!

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